Preparing For Surgery

How do I prepare for surgery?

Social support. Most surgical procedures for sleep breathing problems have an intensive recovery period. Let your workplace and family know that you will need to be supported for 2 to 3 weeks during recovery. 

Some people like to pre-prepare meals for the freezer and stock up on easy to eat soft foods like yoghurt and ice-cream. Make sure you have a couple of boxes of popsicles. After an operation someone should drive you home and make sure you are comfortable in your own home. 

Ideally you will have someone with you overnight. If you are travelling from the Coast, you should stay around Christchurch for 1-2 nights initially. Travelling during these first couple of days can be rough and we can help you if anything crops up in the first couple of days.

When can I play sport or go to the gym?

Usually after the risk of bleeding has reduced at about 2-3 weeks. Avoid activities that elevate the blood pressure during this time. This also includes heavier housework activity. This is not the time to get stuck into the bathroom reno!

What can I eat afterward?

There is no restriction to your diet. Try to get back to normal eating as soon as you can. However, it is worthwhile having some easy to eat foods to keep you going. Some people find spicy foods or citrus challenging after throat operations. 

I recommend rougher foods like toast or crackers to help clean the back of the throat after these operations. Getting fluids down is the most important task for you during the recovery period. 

Dehydration makes pain worse and compromises recovery. Aim to take regular small sips of fluid. For children, nibbling arounds the edges is normal and I strongly recommend pushing the fluids.

What happens if I bleed?

Blood stained spit after throat operations or blood-stained snot after nose operations can occur without any worries. If bleeding is profuse, I want you to come into Christchurch Public Hospital immediately. 

Call an ambulance, or have someone drive you if it is quicker. For children, I recommend one adult drives whilst another is in the back seat with your child. 

Think about how you might do this is bleeding occurred in the middle of the night and you have other children to care for at home. 

The key issue is that I want you to come in as soon as possible- bleeding is an emergency and me or one of my team will see you in the Emergency department soon after you arrive. 

Most bleeding settles by itself or with minor intervention in emergency. Sometimes people need to go back to the operating theatre. In all cases we want you to come in for a period of observation.

Pre-surgery nerves

I expect you to be apprehensive before surgery. Surgery is a big deal. Some people are concerned about the unfamiliar. Some are worried about the anaesthetic. Almost everyone is nervous coming into the operating theatre. 

We will take care of you. My team are highly trained and experienced. We have many approaches to settle your nerves and make you as comfortable as possible while you are with us.